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Friday, October 27, 2006

Waiting for Godot

I went off the pill last July. I had two surprisingly normal cycles, and then nothing from October on. I wrote it off to stress, never having had a very regular cycle, and perhaps some residual effects of having been on the pill for five years. In May, I finally called the doctor, who ran a bunch of tests (thyroid, hormones, pituitary), which all came back normal, and wrote me a prescription for Provera, so I’d actually have a period, which I did. Which kind of sucked after going six months without one, but you’re really not supposed to go that long without bleeding, lest you develop other medical problems. So last month, as I started creeping up on four months since my last period, I called the doctor and got some more Provera. (I know, who actually calls their doctor because they want a period, right?) There was more bleeding, and that was that.

I had my annual exam yesterday, so my doctor and I talked through my issues. Since all of my tests came back normal in May, he said that my body’s just not ovulating (which I knew). Pat and I made the decision to stop not trying to get pregnant last November. My anovulation issue means that if we want to get pregnant, it requires taking action. Which we’re happy to do; it’s just a mind-shift.

So, the plan is to wait out my current cycle and see if my body kicks back into gear. If it doesn’t, I’ll induce a period with yet another round of Provera. And then I’ll start my first round of Clomid (which is supposed to make me ovulate).

What’s weird about the whole thing is that – assuming this works – we can completely schedule this pregnancy. Pat and I can sit down today with a calendar, figure out the most convenient time to have a baby, and work backwards to make that happen. Which I guess normal people can do too, but it’s still really weird to me.

The other fun thing is that Clomid has fun side-effects like mood swings and a 10% increased chance of multiple births.

As I’m technically mid-cycle right now, it’ll be another month or so before I actually take the Clomid. Hopefully by then I’ll be a little more comfortable with the whole idea.

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