Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, January 27, 2007

day 22 or day 62?

So I think today is cycle day 22, but I can't really be sure.

After I took the Clomid in December, I spotted on cycle days 34-36 before calling the doctor for progesterone. Then, I kept spotting through cycle day 40. On cycle day 41 I started a full-on period for four days (with an additional three of spotting), but my doctor had told me to wait until I finished the ten days of progesterone and had a withdrawal bleed before starting to count the cycle days for the next round of Clomid. I haven't had that bleed yet, so I haven't started round 2 of Clomid.

Given my history (when I was somewhat regular before going on the pill) of 36-day cycles, I figured if I'm going to ovulate on my own this month, it's probably going to be around now. So I took a ovulation predictor test this morning. (Yes, I'm back to peeing on sticks.) The results were frustratingly inconclusive. The instructions explain to wait three minutes and then compare the "reference line" to the "surge line". If the surge line is "similar or slightly darker than" the reference line, you can expect to ovulate in the next 48 hours. If it's lighter, you're supposed to test again tomorrow.

After calling Pat into the bathroom for a second opinion, we agreed that my surge line was one shade lighter than my reference line. Now if I remember correctly, my surge lines on last month's OPK tests were never this dark. So I guess this is a good sign. Maybe?

Of course it's entirely possible that my body will finally decide to react to the progesterone withdrawal two-plus weeks after the fact. I had a few PMS symptoms this week (insomnia, achy muscles, cranky), so who knows.

I probably should call my doctor and let him know that the progesterone didn't work. This was a slightly different prescription than every other time I've had it (ten days vs. five days). But I want to wait out this cycle and see if maybe my body's ready to start functioning on its own again. That spotting/period last(?) cycle got my hopes up.

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