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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

fatty pants

This morning, it finally happened: I grew out of all of my normal pants.

Last night, I was sporting a pretty sizable gut, but I figured, like usual, that it would deflate a bit overnight. Well, it did, but when I tried to put normal pants on this morning, I was about two inches from fastening them. So either my hips got bigger or my butt got bigger. I'm not sure which, but it was mighty disconcerting.

Since I only have three pairs of below-the-belly maternity pants, which all still have the baggy ass problem, I decided to suck it up and wear a pair of belly-panel khakis to work today (kind of like these). Despite the somewhat coarse (cheap-o maternity) fabric, they're surprisingly comfortable, and have the added bonus pull-up/pull-down-feature for record-fast bathroom breaks.

The downside? Paranoia.

All day long, I've been tugging at my shirt to make sure that the spandexy cummerbund on the pants (which is a slightly darker color than the pants themselves) isn't peeking out below. I'm also worried about the waistband (which is a good three inches above my belly button) is visible through my shirt. And, I realized that the waistbands on my regular pants had been doing a fine job of holding my belly at bay -- the spandex? Not so much.

Fortunately this is all happening with a season change, so I can still dress in layers relatively comfortably and keep my fingers crossed that no one will notice that I'm wearing new pants every day.

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