Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, April 28, 2007

14 1/2 weeks

A few more growing pains this week. Pangs and twinges here and there, especially when I laugh.

Here's this morning's photo:
I've had significantly more energy this week, which is nice. But I've slowed way down when I'm walking. And I've started the legs-wider-apart swagger.

I went shoe shopping today and discovered that my feet have grown. I had to buy a half-size bigger than normal. We are not amused about that one.

I've been more interested in tomato-based foods, like salsa. I plowed through a jar of salsa by myself in about a week and a half. I had nachos for dinner the other night. Stuffed shells in sauce earlier in the week. And pizza on Thursday night and again for lunch today.

Here's the belly cruising the refrigerator.
This happens every two hours or so.

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