Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, May 06, 2007

15 1/2 weeks

This might be why I'm having lower back pain...

Fortunately it's not constant (the pain, not the belly), but it's enough to make me walk around with my hand in the small of my back sometimes, especially late in the day.

Other items of interest.... I'm sporting some extra face and chins. I'm having a lot of really good hair days. My fingernails are growing super fast. I still have scary bloody things in my nose in the morning. I have some interesting little spider veins popping up on the sides of my belly. I walk much slower than I used to. I get winded from climbing stairs or talking for too long. I pee a lot. Strangers are noticing that I'm pregnant (though they're not touching the belly). And I'm still eating like a truck driver.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happily, no one ever tried to touch my belly. That's one thing I love about the East...people appreciate personal space.

Oh, and I call boy!