Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, May 14, 2007

in and out

We had our third doctor's appointment today. This was a short one -- just the pee test (for glucose and protein), the weigh-in, the "have you experienced any bleeding, swelling, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting" question, blood pressure, and doppler. Of course then I had to wait for half an hour to get some blood drawn. Oy.

I'm tipping the scales at 137lbs -- 5lbs up from last month. Heartbeat was really easy to find (i.e., no need to move the sensor around) and sounded good.

We've got our next ultrasound scheduled for June 13th. This is the find-out-the-gender-if-you-want appointment. Our doctor said that he doesn't recommend finding out, "it's less fun that way." I think we'll find out anyway. Assuming the baby's cooperating. 'Cause we're party poopers like that.

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