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Friday, June 01, 2007

18 1/2 weeks

I'm a little late with this posting, but we were on vacation last week, camping in the wilds of Upstate New York.

It was a good trip. We had a cabin with electricity, so we were hardly roughing it. The biggest challenge was walking to the bathroom, which was about 500 feet away (up a slight hill), every 90 minutes or so. And then timing my trips before bed to ensure that I wouldn't have to get up in the middle of the night. I managed to do it by stopping drinking an hour or two before bed.

Did a few easy hikes and a lot of sitting around. It was nice and relaxing. I also ate more than a few s'mores.

Here's last weekend's belly, on location.

My belly button is creeping closer to the surface. Observe in this somewhat disturbing close-up:

Hypnotic, isn't it?

Most of my family seems to think there's a boy in there, based on how low I'm carrying. Me, I'm not so sure. We'll see what the ultrasound shows. Our appointment is in a week and a half.

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