Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 11, 2007

almost 21 weeks

We were too busy this weekend to squeeze in a belly picture, so it had to wait until today.
I'll be 21 weeks tomorrow.

This past weekend, we started working on the upstairs project. Basically this means prepping, priming and painting the larger of the two rooms (currently the guest room), which was painted a dark primary blue (never ever paint your walls that color, it's a bitch to undo, especially on wood paneling - we've got one coat of primer up and you can see through it). Once that's done, we'll be moving our office furniture and what-not out of the baby's room and into the guest room, thereby making room for baby furniture. Fortunately the baby's room is painted a nice light blue color that we like and will not be changing.

On another note, here's Daisy reluctantly posing with the belly.
She's all like, "yeah, whatever."

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