Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

35 weeks

Photo from this morning. (Belly was too busy over the weekend to pose.)
The belly's definitely more solid than it's ever been (there's bones in there). And, while still active, the baby's slowed down a bit (more squirming than kicking). There's been plenty of hiccups, though, mostly when I'm trying to fall asleep.

I discovered the amazing disappearing/reappearing belly button trick this week. My belly button is pretty much flattened out -- most of the time. When I pee, it goes in about a quarter of an inch. And then when I stand up, it's gone again. (Kind of gives you an idea of where my bladder is living these days.) Weird, but fascinating.

Muscles around the belly have been sore at the end of the day. Body pillow is keeping the belly from painfully pulling on my sides and back when I lie down in bed. I can still climb three flights of stairs with no problems, but I do like sitting down, a lot. I feel more tired more often, and am eating a bit less. I'm still functioning pretty well at work; though, I have plenty of pregnant-brain moments.

Maternity leave is almost settled. I need to make a few minor adjustments to our agreement, but we're just about there. (Good thing I started negotiating at the end of June...) Basically, I'm off for three months, and then come back part-time for two and a half, before returning full-time. Assuming the baby lets me work until a week before my due date, that means I'm back at work full-time by April.

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