Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, February 12, 2007

twitch, twitch

It's day 38. I'm 13 days past ovulation. I'm not bleeding. I'm hungry. And I'm super antsy.

Before I went on the pill, I usually had 36-day cycles. This lines up with ovulating on day 24 or 25 and having a 12-day luteal cycle (which is about what I had for the two somewhat normal cycles I had when I first started charting over a year ago).

Last month (my first cycle on Clomid), I started spotting at day 34 and got my period on day 40.

So what's it going to be this month? I know I ovulated on day 25. I haven't started spotting yet. Did my luteal phase get longer and am I just waiting to bleed? Or is this the month?

Since I'm not really sure when my period should be due (was it due Saturday? is it due Wednesday?), I'm waiting to test until Wednesday. And, in the meantime, I'm nervous until I see that my temp's still up in the morning.

I guess the good news is that if I do get my period this week, I can start up my second round of Clomid.

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