Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


This morning, I had the biggest wave of nausea hit me at the tail end of a staff meeting. Fortunately it was a big group, so I don't think anyone saw me go green. It was one of those blood-draining from your face, almost cold-sweat, holy-crap-I-might-have-to-bolt-to-the-bathroom moments.

I managed to keep it together -- thumb firmly pressed against the inside of my wrist (let's hear it for pressure points). The meeting ended about two minutes later, and I hightailed it back to my office. I got back okay and and then snacked on a toasted bagel, which seemed to do the trick.

Which was good, because I can think of better ways to start the day than by barfing in front of 30 people and the new executive director.

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