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Saturday, March 31, 2007

10 1/2 weeks

Taken this morning...

Now, that's the belly I'm talking about.

This week's big news: I told my boss I'm pregnant. I had been planning to tell him whenever the conversation about next season's staffing and budgeting got to a point where I'd feel uncomfortable about not sharing the news that I'll be going on maternity leave in the middle of the season. Either that or 12 weeks, whichever came first. Yesterday happened first.

He was very supportive (he and his wife just had their first child last April) and excited for us. I told him that I was going to try to hold out a couple of more weeks before sharing the news with anyone else at work. So we'll see how that goes.

This week's amusement: On Monday, one of my co-workers complimented me on my maternity pants (without realizing what they were). I thanked her and told her I got them at Old Navy, which is true. Then, on Wednesday, she said I looked tan and asked whether I had gotten some sun last weekend. Um, yeah, it must have been that hour-long walk I took last week.

I've been feeling pretty good this week. Slightly more energy after work. Some sinus headache action, but I think that's more seasonal allergy related than pregnancy related. Also a little more mood swingy than usual. Definitely still hungry. So far today, I've had a big bowl of oatmeal, a cheese omelet, two hotdogs, and some pineapple, and I'm ready for another snack.

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