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Saturday, April 07, 2007

11 1/2 weeks

The belly is a little more angular today.

Still feeling pretty good. Had some lower back/tailbone/hip pain last night. Enough so I was squirming on the couch, trying to get comfortable. It seems to have subsided today, though.

I had a ridiculous number of "look nice" events this past week, which was a bit of a wardrobe challenge. I managed to pull it off, but only because I overdressed (black suit jacket over a black dress) for opening night. I looked like I was going to a job interview or was working at a bank. I got a lot of comments on it, and just told people that I hadn't done laundry yet this week. The scary thing was that my suit jackets are starting to not close over the belly. Most of my regular button-down shirts are having that problem as well.

The good news is that I've got Monday off (a much-needed vacation day) and I'm planning on coming out on Tuesday.

Because this is just too tough to hide.

Yes, it's okay to laugh. I think it's funny too.

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