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Monday, April 16, 2007

pinpoint weather

We dragged my butt out of bed and drove through the remnants of the overnight Nor'easter/monsoon for an 8am doctor's appointment this morning.

No ultrasound today, but we did hear the baby's heartbeat with Doppler. (And made plenty of jokes about the weather system in my stomach.) Word to the wise: laughing during Doppler doesn't help. It makes a loud noise like a record scratching. Unless you're recording a rap album, this probably isn't what you're looking for. Based on where he picked up the heartbeat, the baby seems to be hanging out on the lower lefthand side of my uterus right now.

For those of you watching my weight, I'm up to 132lbs. A shocking 3lbs more than my weigh-in a month ago. I was sure I was going to be up more than that (something in the 5-7lb range), but apparently I'm not being as much of a piggy as I think. Must. Eat. More. (My idea, not my doctor's. He thinks I'm doing just fine.)

I told a bunch of my co-workers today. They were quite excited. And about 75% of the women said they either thought I was pregnant or knew I was pregnant. Reasons ranged from "that big blue shirt you had on" to "I noticed you were eating more" to "I thought, 'Hmmm, Jen doesn't normally have a pot belly'" to "you just look really good" (which, of course, was my favorite). The people who were really surprised were fun. And there's still a bunch who weren't here today or who weren't around when I was making my rounds earlier, so the fun will continue tomorrow. When I wear a circus tent to work.

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