Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, April 15, 2007

12 1/2 weeks

Here's this morning's photo.

Looks a lot like last week's. Under my belly button is slightly rounder this week, though.

I went another week without telling my co-workers. Mostly due to bad timing and a bunch of absences (theirs, not mine). As long as all of the key players are around tomorrow, I'm going to drop my belly bomb.

We've got our second doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. I'm hoping he does another ultrasound, so we can see something baby-shaped.

Besides that, not much new. A few more aches and pains this week - some twinging on my sides and in the groin area (all apparently a normal side-effect from my uterus's expansion), and some tailbone discomfort (probably from sitting for too long). The bad gas episodes have become less frequent, which is good for everyone. I'm getting up to pee in the middle of the night every night now, and am hitting the bathroom frequently during the day. I've been sleeping 10-11 hours a night every chance I get, but still feel tired during the day. I have killer yawns. There are scary things in my nose. And I'm trying not to waddle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Killer things in your nose...I forgot about all that congestion! XD