Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, June 24, 2007

22 1/2 weeks

Late afternoon belly:

I'm tired. The belly, Pat and I spent most of this weekend painting the thankfully-no-longer-blue room. We did one coat of ceiling white on Friday, another coat on Saturday, followed by a first coat of "almond paste" on the knee walls, which we finished up today. (Don't worry, the belly was doctor-approved for this activity and got plenty of fresh air breaks.)

Next up: the trim.

This morning, we went to our first prenatal class at the hospital. It was "Accident Prevention and Infant CPR". We spent most of the three hours learning CPR, and then spent a few minutes at the end talking through basic prevention. It was pretty good, and the instructors kept us entertained.

It was also our first visit to the hospital, which, from the little we saw of it (main lobby, basement lecture halls, and cafeteria), seemed small but nice. It's easy to get to from the highway (given all of the construction lately, we'll also be mapping alternate, non-highway routes just in case). But man, is it tough to find your way out again. There's no on-ramp back to the northbound highway right there, so you have to drive wacky side streets to find your way downtown, where you can get on the highway going north again. Fortunately, we have plenty of opportunities to practice. I think we've got another five or six classes in the next couple of months.

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