Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, June 29, 2007


So the belly's occupant has been trying out some new moves these past couple of days.

Tuesday night I had just laid down in bed, and I start feeling what feels like a giant gas bubble blupping around in my lower belly. (Yes, I'm aware I'm inventing words, but you get the idea.) So there's one blup, and then maybe a minute later another one, and, a few minutes later, another.

The next night, the same thing happened, but they were closer together. I decided that it felt like someone was rolling around in there.

I did a little reading and discovered that the baby's inner ear is becoming more fully developed around now, so they can start to discern right-side-up from upside-down. So last night when it happened some more, I concocted the theory that the baby's trying to find "up" when I lie down.

Of course, it happened again this morning at work when I was sitting, so that theory got thrown out the window. Maybe it's kicking harder or maybe we're just rolling around for the fun of it.

Whatever it is, it feels really weird.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One of the cats used to love to lay curled up next to my belly when I slept on my side at night. I think this was about the time that she stopped...Ethan kept kicking her. She still won't lay next to my belly!