Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, March 03, 2007

6 1/2 weeks

We had our first doctor's appointment yesterday. Everything went well.

I weighed in at 127 lbs, which is near the top range of my normal weight fluctuations, but is less than what I thought I'd be. (I haven't been hopping on the scale at home.)

We filled out the genetic defect questionnaire and chatted with the doctor for a bit. Then we had an ultrasound. I wasn't expecting one this early, but it was pretty darn cool.

Not only did we confirm that yes, I was pregnant and it was in the right place, we also got to see that there was only one (phew), and we could watch its heart beating. We also got to take home a picture.

I then gave them several vials of blood to play with. And we set our next appointment for next month.

Here's a picture of the blob's host body from this morning:

We're due October 23rd.

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